Advocacy & Policy

Policy Approach


Leveraging deep experience with the entire chemical value chain & the Sustainable Chemistry Catalyst research capabilities, Change Chemistry builds deeper understanding of sustainable chemistry’s benefits, and what’s needed to transform the chemistry sector to meet market demand for safer, more sustainable chemistry.


With longstanding working relationships across every stakeholder group involved in sustainable chemistry policy, Change Chemistry works as a neutral convenor and connector to encourage dialogue when there are differences of opinion and seek common ground that broad coalitions can support.


With membership that spans the full chemical value chain, from startups to chemical manufacturers to global brands & retailers, Change Chemistry directly advocates for policy incentives that drive innovation, commercialization & adoption of safer, more sustainable chemistry.

US Advocacy & Policy 

We are advocates for US leadership in innovation, production and use of sustainable chemicals.

As chemistry is intrinsic to virtually all products, a broad swath of the US economy is engaged in the development of sustainable chemistry, including academia, small startups, major chemical producers, small to large commercial and consumer products companies, and retailers of all sizes who provide those products to the public. Change Chemistry focuses on policies that can accelerate the development and scale of new sustainable chemistry processes and products.

Sustainable chemistry innovation can offer improved human and ecological health profiles, enhanced energy efficiency, reduced environmental emissions and reduced waste generation while delivering high-quality products at competitive cost. Both commercial and consumer markets are clamoring for more sustainable chemistry in everyday products, sparking global competition to meet these growing demands. Effective policy ensures US companies and workers seize this innovation challenge and manufacturing opportunity.

Change Chemistry has elevated a focus on policies to support and incentivize R&D and commercialization of sustainable chemistry at the federal and state level in the United States. Some of our specific accomplishments include:

  • Sustainable Chemistry R&D Act (2021): Collective advocacy efforts led to the passage of this act, paving the way for increased federal investments in sustainable chemistry R&D.  We are now leading the coalition of organizations supporting a strong implementation of the Act through engagement with the White House Office of Science and Technology Interagency Strategy Team and individual Federal agencies.  We were the first organization invited by OSTP to discuss their interim report.
  • Implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law:  Secured language supporting investments in sustainable chemistry in these generational laws supporting decarbonization and infrastructure development.
  • Secured Funding Appropriations: Persistent advocacy secured multiple appropriations, directing crucial funding toward advancing sustainable chemistry research and development.
  • Establishment of SusChem Program at NSF: Advocacy efforts, including language inclusion in the 2010 America Competes Act, established the SusChem program at NSF, fostering innovation in sustainable chemistry.
  • Coalition for EPA Safer Choice Program: Formed a coalition to oppose staffing cuts and defunding of the EPA Safer Choice program.
  • Contributions to European Chemicals Agency Substitution Strategy: Through the UMass Lowell Sustainable Chemistry Catalyst, contributed to the creation of the European Chemicals Agency Substitution Strategy, advocating for Safe and Sustainable by Design principles.


European Advocacy & Policy

​More information coming soon...

This year, we are forming a new working group to work on EU Advocacy efforts and we need our members to help us form a strong coalition and shape our future direction. This group will have their first meeting on the 3rd September, 2024. Please contact Asli Tamer Vestlund, European Program Lead, if you are a Change Chemistry member and interested to join.

Contact us for more information