Transparency and Building Community: Key Takeaways from the 2024 European Forum

Posted By: Dr. Joel Tickner In the News,

The recent third annual Change Chemistry’s European Forum, held in Belgium and hosted by Dow, was a resounding success, highlighting the industry's readiness for significant, transformative shifts. Central to our mission is fostering collaboration and building a safe, open community. We were thrilled to see the event convene a diverse array of industry leaders, policymakers, NGOs, and service providers, all united in their commitment to embracing disruptive change over incremental approaches.

At the heart of discussions was the pivotal role of transparency and data in driving this transformative agenda forward. Participants highlighted the urgency of integrating comprehensive transparency measures across the chemical value chain. This imperative is not merely about compliance but about fostering a culture of openness and trust that enables informed decision-making and sustainable practices.

Throughout 2024, our engagement has been steadfast in advancing these crucial conversations. Our ongoing webinar series, "The Chemicals Transparency Puzzle: The Role that Tools Play," has been instrumental in elucidating the practical applications of transparency tools in today’s landscape. If you missed any of the sessions, recordings are available for review:

A standout theme from the Forum was the understanding that chemicals can no longer be treated in isolation but must be considered as part of a holistic sustainability approach. This paradigm shift underscores the importance of our Retail Leadership Council and other members adopting a comprehensive view in product assessments. We encourage stakeholders to explore our guide on Holistic Product Considerations for Alternatives Assessment.

Moreover, chemicals are increasingly recognized as integral components of broader sustainability frameworks. Our advocacy efforts continue to emphasize the need for policies that are not only understandable and actionable but also financially viable and incentivizing for businesses. Achieving coherence between EU-wide regulations and national frameworks remains a priority, as does fostering global harmonization.

Our partnership with FIPRA underlines our commitment to bridging information gaps and facilitating dialogue on EU chemical policy reforms. This initiative serves to prepare stakeholders across the globe, ensuring alignment with forthcoming regulatory changes and promoting international cooperation.

The European Forum was a beacon of inspiration and collaboration. We invite you to explore further insights shared by our members and partners, such as the thought-provoking article from HazEL on chemical hazard evaluation:

Can Chemicals Even Be Safe and Sustainable?

Together, we continue to champion sustainable chemistry as a catalyst for positive change, driving innovation and resilience across industries worldwide.

We’re deeply grateful to Dow for the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainable chemistry and support of Change Chemistry and its community.