Transatlantic Incentives Dialogue: Policy Incentives in the US and EU

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EST)
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Category: Webinars

As a direct outgrowth of discussions about the importance of government incentives from across the Change Chemistry membership, we are launching a new Transatlantic Working Group on Policy Incentives to develop recommendations to accelerate the development, commercialization and scale of sustainable chemistry. The group will examine lessons from existing US and EU policy frameworks and develop consensus recommendations for practical incentives that span the breadth of the value chain.

Join us for this kick-off webinar to learn more about this initiative and help begin identifying potential areas for policy research. Input and ideas from the full value chain are essential in this effort and will be complemented by work at the Sustainable Chemistry Catalyst to back the recommendations with research data. If you are a startup or a global brand, a supplier or a retailer, or anywhere along the value chain with ideas for incentive policy, please join us!

This working group and webinar are available to Change Chemistry members only. 

This webinar is available to Change Chemistry members only. If you are a member, login or create an account to register. 

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